Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thoughts on the Ten Commandments

Louisiana now mandates that schools must post the Ten Commandments mentioned in Chapter 20 of Exodus, a “book” in the section of the Bible that Christians call “the Old Testament.”  The Catholic Church decided to include this section as part of the Bible in 382 C.E.

I have a number of questions.  Will the posters be in the language of the Revised Standard Version or in the language of the King James Version that Jesus used?  And won’t the Seventh Commandment be seen as an underhanded criticism of former President Trump?  And the Eighth another slap at some of the scams of the former President, such as Trump University and the more recent shoe and Bible sales?

Worst of all is the Tenth.  That’s the one about “coveting” your neighbor’s ass.  To quote Butthead, Heh heh.  Heh heh.

1 comment:

  1. I always wonder why two important commandments were left off the list: "Thou shalt not rape children!", and the even more important: "Thou shalt wash thy hands".
