Sunday, June 23, 2024

What happened to us?

A billionaire, Timothy Mellon, recently gave $50 million to Trump and Robert Kennedy.  $50 million.  I gave $25 to Jon Tester, running for Senate from Montana.  Mellon just made my donation and our “democracy” a joke.  The Republican Supreme Court declared that money is “speech.”  No, it isn’t.  Other democracies regulate campaign donations.  Legislation could be passed.  But it isn’t.  It won’t be.

The Supreme Court itself is tainted.  It is not an impartial body of wise judges pronouncing on legislation.  It is an arm of conservative interests, using a weird theory that it is supposed to follow the wisdom of the Founding Fathers at the time they wrote the Constitution.  Tell me about the wisdom of the Founding Fathers as it relates to “bump stocks” or the Electoral College or abortion.

Some of our failures are ludicrous.  Louisiana posts the Ten Commandments in the schools but fails protect its students from getting shot.  Fertilized eggs have “personhood.”  Homeless people flood major American cities.  We don’t control nation’s borders.  Half the population thinks climate change is a hoax.  Ignorance stalks the land.

How did we reach this point?  This country launched the New Deal, provided the Arsenal of Democracy, sent astronauts to the moon, saved the endangered bald eagle, passed a Voting Rights Act, implemented Medicare, eliminated polio and smallpox.  That seems like such a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. I would never be so naive as to say that the Democrats have all the answers to our problems, but that Republicans have none and seek none. Their responsible for most of our current issues.
