Saturday, June 15, 2024

Happy Birthday To You

I was born on Nov. 18, 1942, which makes me two days older than Joe Biden.  I am also older than Donald Trump, who turned 78 today.  Age is far less of a factor in running for President than running in a foot race.  Physical stamina is not as important for Presidents as it is for Philadelphia Eagles running backs.

Mental capabilities, on the other hand, are important.  Trump is three years younger than I, but I would never claim Covid could be cured by swallowing horse worming medicine or sticking a light up one’s butt.  I have never ruminated about jumping to a shark if my battery powered boat sank.  I wouldn’t suggest a tax cut of 20% because it is a “nice round number.”  I know that Putin is not America’s friend.  I understand that mail-in ballots take longer to count that those cast on election day.  I know windmills don’t cause cancer.  I’ve tested magnets under water and found they still work.

So, how would I be as President at age 81+?  I’m pretty sure the nation would be in far better hands than in those tiny hands of the birthday boy.

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