Monday, June 10, 2024


Today I mailed approximately 100 four-page newsletters to a group of people who donate money to maintain a historic one-room school.  The newsletter detailed the summer programs and had newsy items about a number of the donors and former students.

I am currently working on a newsletter for a group of about 90 Carbon County Democratic Party activists.  It discusses some of the upcoming activities of the party and includes a number of volunteer opportunities.

Postage has gone up thanks to Trump-appointed Postmaster-General Louis DeJoy (who would like to privatize the USPS), and many people have asked me why I don’t simply email these newsletters.  After all doesn’t everyone have email?

I just finished “reading” my emails for the day.  Guess what I did with most of them.  In fact, all but a few of them.  (Bill and Midge, not yours.)  I deleted them without opening them.  That’s what we do.  On the other hand, I received a number of pieces of mail today.  Other than the campaign solicitations, I opened all of them.  When you get a hand-addressed envelope in the mail, you open it.  Right?


  1. Nope. I usually know by the sender an the subject line whether an email is something I want to look at or something for the bit-bin or something I want to read. On the other hand, I throw out a lot of junk mail.

    I was in my early 20s when I discovered the wonders of computer technology, and tech was my job for years. I also like that email arrived immediately, while I have to wait 3 days for mail to be delivered and then drive several miles to the post office to pick up my snail-mail.

    But I hate writing on my phone. I like having a real keyboard and a big monitor.

    I thinks it's about when you grew up or what you got used to using. You should give people a choice.

  2. The Biden campaign is launching an outreach today in NH aimed at senior citizens. Other key states will follow. There’s a Facebook site for Boers for Obama and I think that’s it. I don’t do Facebook but it’s an open site.

  3. David, I will always open your emails.
