Monday, March 28, 2011

News at the State Level--How Do You Keep Up?

Roy, I can't wait for you to get back! One of the reasons I appreciate Poor Roy’s Blog is that you bring to my attention issues and stories that I would not otherwise be aware of and you offer your unique progressive insights that I usually agree with and am grateful to have in my back pocket.

So while Roy is away this week, I asked myself, “Where DO I get my news? There's lots on the national and international level on TV, but where can I get a digest of STATE news?” If I had an infinite amount of time, of course, I would be reading all the newspapers and searching the web and reading blogs but lately, I simply don't have time for all that despite my desire to stay informed.

So I stumbled on to a Sunday morning talk show at 11:30 am on 6 ABC WPVI called "Inside Story" and find that I am seeking it out to get a weekly summary and panel discussion of "the issues" in the state while I'm enjoying Sunday brunch.  Yesterday, the interview was with Governor Corbett about the state budget. You can just imagine what he had to say to justify all the cuts! You can also watch the 23 minutes of the show without commercials on line.

Most of the time, the panelists' comments balance themselves out. I don't always agree with them--but at least it's one way to keep up with the discussion on issues facing our state. Do you have any better sources?


  1. I get two local papers and try my best to read them. I cannot keep up with what Roy does. He has a way of digesting these articles. After reading his Blog it brings the article to seem more real to me. Good job Roy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
