Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Guide to Republican Presidential Candidates

In his 1966 campaign for governor of California, Ronald Reagan had a Republican opponent in the primary.  He ran against former San Francisco Mayor George Christopher.  Mr. Christopher was a moderate with a good record.  Most Democrats were hoping Reagan would win the primary, because he would be easy to beat in November.
Whoops.  Reagan won the primary, won the governor’s election, and went on to not only win a second term, but also win the U.S. Presidency twice.  
Here’s the moral.  Always hope the opposition picks its best candidate.  He or she may win.
With that in mind, here is my preference for the Republican Presidential nominee.
1. John Huntsman.  Foreign policy experience, emphasizes civility.  Smart.  One of three adults in the race.
2. Mitt Romney.  The second adult.  Executive experience.  Not stupid.  Tends to pander.
3. Tim Pawlenty.  The third adult.  I almost forgot him.  I know he’s been working Iowa, but it is right now now very difficult to imagine President Tim Pawlenty.  Doesn’t compute. Still, better than the rest.
After Pawlenty they get downright scary.
4. Newt Gingrich.  Sometimes he seems reasonable, but he has the morals of a bunny.  His own staff doesn’t like him.
5.  Ron Paul.  I really think he is a true libertarian.  Marijuana would be legalized.  I can live with that.
6.  Herman Cain.  I think that’s his name.  He owns the Godfather Pizza chain.  I know many Tea Party people support him, but he did once give money to Bob Kerrey.
7.  Michelle Bachman. In many countries she would be institutionalized.  She “misspeaks,” and then defends her mistakes.  She takes federal funds for her farm, yet decries federal programs.  She thinks gay marriage is up to the states, yet supports a constitutional amendment banning it.  Her grasp on reality seems tenuous.
I think I may have missed some, but I can’t remember who they are.  My advice to Republicans who read this post (are there any?) is:  support Huntsman.  Really.  The president of the U.S. should be a capable adult.

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