Thursday, February 13, 2014

Liberals playing defense

My latest issue of Harper’s arrived today.  It featured an article by Adolph Reed, Jr., a professor  of political science at University of Pennsylvania, criticizing Obama and Bill Clinton for abandoning liberal principles and giving in to the right.

Dr. Reed says the liberals are constantly playing defense, and that every election is cast as an important battle to prevent the right from taking over rather than advancing liberal programs to alter the course of American politics.  What’s more, both Clinton and Obama cater to the right.  The Affordable Care Act, for example, placates the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.  If you look at the economic advisors for both Clinton and Obama, they were Wall Street cronies.  

What Dr. Reed does not discuss is the “Citizens United” decision, the House Republican intransigence, or the fact that President Obama is considered a socialist or an illegitimate president by a large minority of the population.  Of course we are playing defense.  Look at gun control issues, or family planning, or health care, or attacks on unions.  This country is so far to the right that even a moderate liberal like Obama is seen as a Commie by a good portion of the American electorate.  

I, too, wish Obama would rein in NSA snooping and support a single payer health program and tax the 1% and move to the left.  Given the political climate in the U.S., however, I think at this point we need to hunker down and play defense.


  1. The problem is that the Bush Jr years the Conservatives were on the offense big time. Two wars, crazy spending and tax cuts. Obama only had two years to make a difference and passed the ACA, which is succeeding impressively now.

    If we can't play offense now, then when? Things are worse for everyone except the richest 1%. How can we move the party forward or even the human race forward? We know the Republicans are unwilling to do that.

  2. I think we keep advocating rational policies and common sense. We don't give up. And maybe we push for Elizabeth Warren instead of Hillary Clinton.
