Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Volkswagen vote

We were snowed in today, so I didn’t get my New York Times to read about the Tennessee vote on unionizing the VW plant in Chattanooga.  Then my friend Jeremy called and said the UAW lost, and my day was ruined.

Since a majority of workers had signed cards supporting the union, the negative vote resulted from the threats from the Tennessee state government and right-wing groups across the country against the union.

Let me explain something.  When a totalitarian government--fascist like Hitler’s or communist like Mao’s and Stalin’s--takes over, one of the first things they do is eliminate independent unions.  Totalitarian governments can’t tolerate independent organizations of workers.  True, those governments permit “unions,” but they must be organized and controlled by the state.

The amount of pressure brought against the UAW by the state of Tennessee and right-wing groups across the country against the efforts of the UAW and the Volkswagen company, makes me wonder what kind of country we live in. 


  1. Sad to see. This could have been a watershed moment but it wasn't. In 2008, people would tell me things would get worse before they get better. They have gotten worse and will continue to get worse.

    I have finished the book "Crash of 2016" written by Thom Hartman. Next time I see you, I will lend it to you. It talks about how things will get way worse and a crash is coming. Ironically and on a slight positive note, that specific plant was mentioned in this book. The VW plant in Tennessee is actually powered by solar panels. The largets solar power plant in the US!

  2. This vote is not a good thing for workers. I personally have worked in both a union workplace as well as a non union work place. I would always choose a union. Granted some non union companies do pay the workers well. As long as you keep your nose clean you can do OK--not great by any means. Just don't piss off the boss or you could be gone. But the workers voted for what the politicians of Tennesee wanted so now they will have to live with their decision. It will be interesting to watch what happens in the future.

    The Crash of 2016 is a great book and very worthwhile reading. I'm considering reading a second time.

    1. Just think. If only 44 workers had changed their vote, they would have a union. The sad thing is that a majority of workers signed cards for the union. The defeat was the result of all the threats and propaganda.

      When I started at San Jose State, part-timers got no retirement, no medical insurance. Then we voted for the union. That's why I now have a pension and California Blue Cross. I also receive a pension from TRW for warehouse work. That was thanks to the Teamsters. I have no idea why people are opposed to unions. The only explanation I can give is that they have a "false consciousness." They don't realize their own self-interest.
