Saturday, December 12, 2015

Canada sets an example

Americans tend to make fun of our “frozen neighbor to the north.”  P. J. O’Rourke says “Very little is known of Canada since it is rarely visited by anyone by the Queen and illiterate sport fishermen.”

Richard Brenner said Canada was a country so square that even the female impersonators are women.  Mike Myers said, “Canada is a country without a cuisine.  When’s the last time you went out for Canadian?”

But how about this headline:  “Canada Welcomes New Arrivals From Syria.”  25,000 are coming in by February.

Evidently Canadians have something that Americans don’t have.  Balls.


  1. hey also have national healthcare. I love Canada. I have visited Canada a number of times, not to fish or hunt. They are great people with a great culture. More Americans should visit there. They definitely would get enlightened if they did.

  2. I too love Canada. I cannot count the number of times we have been there. Would need many hands to count with.
