Sunday, December 20, 2015

Pennsylvania Public Pensions

Pennsylvania legislators are the 2nd highest paid in the nation, coming in after California.  Of course, California only has a total of 120 legislators, so the overall amount in California is quite a bit less.  At the same time, Pennsylvania has a problem with public pensions; the debt is $55 billion and growing, in part because past legislators did not put the necessary funds into the plan.

So what did our legislators do about pensions?  The Republicans tried to pass a bill that would mandate that future state employees would be forced to enter a 401(k) style benefit plan.  Employees would have a traditional pension, but it would only be half of that of current employees.

The legislators, of course, would not be part of this.  They would keep their pensions as they are.  I’m serious.  

If you look up the word “hypocrisy” in Wikipedia, it says, “see Pennsylvania Republican legislators.”

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