Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Nun shoots deer

Sure, there rare more important things to post about.  Obama’s speech on ISIS.  Trump’s racist remarks.  The climate summit.  Clinton’s economic proposals.

However, I don’t think there is any one group of people, including people who fly confederate flags or anti-abortion fanatics, who annoy me as much as animal rights idiots. 
A nun in the Erie Diocese of Pennsylvania shot a ten-point buck on the first day of this year’s buck season.  She posted a picture on Facebook of her holding the deer by the antlers on the back of a pickup truck.  

According to a front page article in today’s Morning Call, “animal rights” people took offense and post comments, some of which were vulgar.

These are the same idiots who oppose Australian efforts to reduce the feral cat population.  They think in terms of individual animals rather than species preservation.  They have no understanding of ecology.  They don’t get that an expanding deer population means the extinction of both plants and animals that depend on those plants.  

The nun who shot the deer understands.  She says she views hunting as a spiritual endeavor and a form of conservation.  I don’t get the first part of that, but as an environmentalist, I certainly understand the second part.  Animal rights people just don’t get it.

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