Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Elementary Center in Lehighton

I don’t live in the Lehighton School District, but yesterday’s Times News included an anonymous circular concerning a proposal to build an elementary center in that district.  The ad was sponsored by a group called REACH, which I think is short for “we’ll REACH into your pockets and extract all the tax money we can.”

The ad said the proposed center would promote equality in class size, equality in instructional time, and what was most strange, “more community opportunities.”  Since the proposal for an elementary center would result in shutting down four neighborhood schools, that last one is hard to understand.

Finally, the ad used the really bad argument of “sunk costs,” which was that since the District already spent a pile of money (evidently over a million dollars to architects, engineers, and other construction agencies), it ought to sink even more into the project.

With that kind of thinking, I’m glad I live in the Palmerton Area School District.

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