Friday, July 15, 2016

Jerry Brown

The latest issue of The New York Review of Books features a review of former Secretary of Defense William J. Perry’s book entitled My Journey at the Nuclear Brink.  The review is by none other than Governor Jerry Brown of California. 

First of all, I am amazed that more people are not worried about the continuing presence of massive numbers of nuclear weapons.  Certainly Mr. Perry is.  Second, I did not realize that we had come even closer to a nuclear exchange during the Cuban Missile Crisis than most observers thought.  (Don’t you like the term “exchange,” sort of like Christmas presents?)  Third, the thought of Trump’s finger on the nuclear trigger worries me even more.

I also want to call your attention to the fact that the Governor of the largest state in the Union reads and reviews serious books.  I supported Jerry Brown when he ran for President, and I am proud that I did.

Do you suppose Gov. Pence reads books?