Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Supreme Court Quiz

1.  When the Supreme Court decided in 2000 that George W. Bush should be president, the vote was five to four.  How many Democrats sided with Gore, and how many Republicans sided with Bush?

2.  When the Supreme Court threw out portions of the Voting Rights Act that ensured fair treatment of African American voters, how many Republicans on the Court voted to toss them?

3.  Republican Senators are refusing to approve President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court.  They are doing this because:
A.  the nominee is not qualified.
B.  the nominee is not recommended by the ABA.
C.  they are hoping that President Trump will appoint a hard-right 
Republican ideologue to the Court.

Do not talk to me about how Ruth Bader Ginsberg should not have said anything about Trump because she is supposed to be above politics.  The Supreme Court is as political today as the House and Senate.  When Trump is elected, it will become more political, a rubber stamp for his anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigrant policies.

The New York Times has editorialized against Ginsberg for her anti-Trump remarks.  Really?  Supreme Court justices acting as non-partisan, above politics, neutral on the issues, making decisions based on law, not ideology?  Give me a break.

1 comment:

  1. Lawrence O'Donnell had an interesting thing to say on tonight's program. Some republicans have stated that if this election winds up in the supreme court, that Justice Ginsberg should recuse herself in that decision. He then stated that there are justices who have voted on abortion decisions that were Catholic and they did not recuse themselves. Because they were voting along the lines of Catholic beliefs. As well as other decisions. As usual it's always Okay for the republicans to basically say "it doesn't apply to us."

    I would like to know where was the republican outrage about the 22,000,000 emails that the Bush administration had on the republican national committees server. Yes, it was bad that we lost four people in Benghazi. We also lost 4,487 people in Iraq over a thumped up war that Bush and Chaney wanted and used lies to start. So to all the republicans out there, where is your outrage?
