Sunday, November 18, 2018

a proposal for Trump

In the last 48 hours our president has said he wants to have a “great climate,” he noted that Finland didn’t have fires like California because the Finns take better care of their forests, and he discussed the need to clean up the forest floor.

Here is my idea.  All those troops deployed along the Mexican border could be redeployed to Truckee and equipped with rakes and large leaf bags.  They could rake toward Auburn, picking up pinecones and dead branches along with the leaves.  When they get to Auburn, they could turn north and rake to Grass Valley and Nevada City.  This would be a major step forward.

I will send this idea to President Trump tomorrow. 


  1. Remember that he is the King of liars! So, whenever he says anything like that, take it with a HUGE grain of salt.
