Friday, January 4, 2019


More than three-fourths of Americans own a smartphone.  In 2018 those 253 million Americans spent an average of $1,380 and 1,460 hours on their smartphones and other mobile devices.  That’s 91 waking days.

You would need approximately 700 hours to become proficient in a foreign language.  With the time spent looking at your phone, you could learn French and Hindi in a year.

Dropping smart phone use would give citizens enough time and money to visit their local and state representatives three times a week for a year to lobby for reform.

Then there’s the sex.  If you give up smartphones for a year, you would have time to make love about 16,000 times.  (This assumes that your loving making sessions, like most Americans, lasts an average of 5.4 minutes, not counting foreplay.)

I am indebted to an article by Paul Greenberg, “In Search of Lost Screen Time,” New York Times, (Jan. 1, 2019), p. A19.  Greenberg lists many other advantages to getting rid of your phone, including health benefits, reading, and recreation.  

As you probably guessed, I don’t own a smartphone


  1. I do not have a smart phone, only a flip phone. For some reason I cannot seem to get to the 16,000 number stated.

  2. Try harder. If I can do it, you should be able to.
