Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Weather forecasting

When I was a kid weather forecasting was somewhat of a hit or miss science.  In fact, I am reluctant to even call it a science.  It seemed more like a guessing game.  

We knew days ago that it would snow today.  We knew it would start about noon.  We know it will be windy tomorrow, and amazingly cold tomorrow night.  Schools were closed today on the basis of the forecast.  Roads were salted on the basis of the forecast.  Linda cancelled a meeting two days ago, knowing it would be a snowy Tuesday, and it was.

People still complain about the mistakes.  Seven inches instead of the four predicted.  Sleet instead of the rain.  Only a half an inch of rain instead of the inch and a half downpour.  The European model sometimes differs from the American model.  Nonetheless, to anyone 50 or older, the accuracy of weather forecasting is truly amazing.  


  1. And them there is groundhog day with his forecast! The groundhog never lies. Ha ha.

  2. Amazingly, the Weather Channel is sending reporters to cover that miserable rodent.
