Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Agreeing with Doyle Heffley?

In a front page article in our local newspaper, the Times News, our state representative Doyle Heffley called for restrictions on the number of visitors to Beltzville State Park.  He pointed out that large numbers of people were gathering at the park, usually without masks or social distancing, and that this huge number was having a negative impact on the park and the residents of the area.

He’s right.  The Wild Creek Falls area, formerly a lovely area what was once part of our farm, is the site of literally hundreds of people swimming, and partying.  There are no toilet facilities, no dumpsters, and no lifeguards.    Litter is everywhere and parking is both illegal and dangerous.

Heffley wants the park shut down to out-of-state visitors, at least until the pandemic is over.  I’m not sure how this will even be possible with the limited number of rangers and staff at Beltzville.  State parks and their parent agency, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, have been underfunded for years.  There is no way the small staff at Beltzville can even enforce existing rules.  

Unfortunately, this underfunding can be laid at the feet of the Republican-dominated state legislature.  Doyle Heffley is a part of that.  So, while I agree with him about the need to deal with a problem, I would point out that the problem is in part his responsibility.


  1. If the powers to be had any brains they could solve this problem very easy. I would make it very hard for any walk in's.
    Build a fence in the area of the road access so that it can be policed to only allow for vehicles to enter. Fencing could block access from the Bridge to the road and then from the road to the road by the park office and then up the highway to a point that blocks entry to the park area. The Wild Creek area presents another problem in its self. Certain areas of the park could be make restricted access area's as unsafe for Health reasons. Its a shame that this is needed, but people create these situations.

    July 22, 2020 at 12:01 PM

  2. These are good suggestions. There are other solutions as well. Penn State is doing a "study." Do we really need a study? We no longer seem able to solve simple problems any more. It is discouraging.
