Thursday, January 18, 2024

Christine's law

In 2005 a large piece of ice detached from a car and killed a woman named Christine.  The legislature acted, and Pennsylvania law now requires truckers and other drivers to remove snow and ice from their vehicles before they drive on public roads.  It is a good law.  A woman was killed.

Hundreds die from gun violence EVERY YEAR in Pennsylvania.  A bill to tighten gun regs in Pennsylvania will pass the House of Representatives, controlled by Democrats.  Among other items, it would require that guns have a unique serial number.  Ghost guns have proliferated in recent years; they are assembled from kits, and they can’t be traced.  The bill is most likely to fail in the Senate.  Republican Senators say it runs afoul of the 2nd Amendment.  My state Senator, David Argall, will, I’m sure, vote against it.

I wonder how he voted on Christine’s law.

1 comment:

  1. If there's an afterlife, the Founders are laughing about how stupid we are. It took 3 tries to get the constitution correct, and we won't fix a typo which is the leading killer of children.
