Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Recognizing good news

A number of developed countries are experiencing negative population growth.  In other words, more people are now dying than are being born.  Population is decreasing.  This has already happened in Japan and perhaps in Korea and Italy.  Some other European countries are on the verge.  The U.S. would be getting close to this tipping point except for immigration.

Governments are in a tizzy.  Some have programs to increase births, such as subsidies for each baby produced.  

The rate of world population increase in the last 100 years is unsustainable.  We reached a billion about 1804.  I was born in 1942 when the world population was under 3 billion.  Today it is over 8 billion.  In my lifetime!  The globe has too many people.  The only reason global warming has not jumped even further is because most of the people in Africa and Asia don’t live the incredibly wasteful lifestyles of the developed world.  The fact that some countries are actually seeing a decrease in population is something to celebrate.  


  1. Without immigration the US population would decline, which, With our current economic model, would result in a recession. Take that, Republicans!
