Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dick and Judy's excellent campaign adventure--the last installment

One of the best things about Tuesday’s election was the defeat of Joe Walsh, Tea Party advocate and all-around troglodyte.  Our correspondents from Illinois played a role in his defeat and Tammy Duckworth’s win.  Here is their take on the election.

We definitely felt the love last night as we experienced the culmination of a grass-roots campaign for Tammy Duckworth.   She took the election with 55% of the vote compared to Walsh’s 45%.  
We have spent the last weeks on phone banks and canvassing, especially this last weekend, when it was seemingly non-stop.  
The election night party was an exceptional experience, celebrating with other volunteers, interns, staff and Tammy’s family.   The press was there in abundance and both Richard and I were interviewed by newspaper reporters.   The cameras were clicking constantly and almost blinding, if you got in their path.   
Tammy’s acceptance speech was absolutely inspiring, and I know she will work very hard for the District.   She understands that her job is to serve us and not her own interests.   We feel we have come to know her personally and that she will not let us down.
It was also fun to cheer with fellow Democrats as we watched the election results come in for President Obama and other Senate and Congressional seats.  Loud cheering and much jumping up and down accompanied every announcement that President Obama had won another state and the crowd went wild after it was noted that he won Ohio and, then, the Presidency.   Being originally from Ohio, I made a fool of myself doing a happy dance when I heard this news!  
All in all, it was a very good experience.  I highly recommend getting involved in a political campaign.   If we want to keep the Government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” we need to be part of the process.
We will never forget or regret this experience.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on behalf of our family in Illinois.
    We too have a new Democratic congressman in our district. Although I am disappointed by the Pa. house vote to return our present Rep. Carbon also went for the Rep's in our state and national votes. I believe those negative AD's did have an effect. Shows how naive people are and how they fall for those messages.
