Friday, November 2, 2012

The final push

We spent all day Friday at the Obama headquarters getting ready for two days of canvassing, one day of door hanger activity, and ther election day trying to keep the Republicans from messing up the vote.  We heard that the Republicans put in a request for a poll watcher in each of the 51 precincts in Carbon County.  If those watchers cross the line into illegal activity, we have lawyers standing by to take action.   

At a campaign seminar years ago I heard a consultant say that when you lose big, you shrug it off.  You say to yourself, there’s nothing I could have done to change that result.  On the other hand, if you lose by a handful of votes, you stay awake at night thinking about all the ways you could have won.  If only this..., if only that.... He said because of that, you do everything you can to win--everything.  That way, if you do lose, you won’t feel guilty.  

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. I know that we won't regret all of the work that we have done. Still have three more days to canvass. A little tired but it is enjoyable.

    In regards to the supposed poll watchers, their whole purpose is to intimidate as many voters as they can. I think it would be great to have at least one policeman at each precinct. Won't happen though.
