Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric, we hardly knew ye

On a rational basis I should be disappointed that Eric Cantor lost his primary.  His opponent, David Brat, is a Tea Party candidate who seems to be racist on immigration reform and probably thinks that global warming is a hoax. 

Nonetheless, I can’t bring myself to feel any sorrow.  After all, Cantor sucked up to Tea Party candidates in 2010.  Instead of confronting their ideology, he tried to move even further to the right.  And  finally, he spent $5.4 million to Brat’s $200,000.

So I say to Cantor as Ben Gunn used to say in Treasure Island, “hard cheese.”  Or as they say in Russia, “toughski shitski.”  Or as they say in California, “what goes around comes around.”  Are you getting the impression that I’m enjoying this?  How right you are.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt about it, Cantor is an evil person. Now we will find out just how evil the tea partier Brat is. But then again if you have an "r" next to your name you are not really interested in doing right by the people, unless you are one of the rich people.
