Friday, June 20, 2014

Scott Walker, go to jail

During the recall campaign against Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, I volunteered to make phone calls for the unions.  I remember one voter was just incensed when she learned I was from Pennsylvania.  She told me in no uncertain terms that this was an issue for the people of Wisconsin, not outside interferers.

Now we are learning that Walker’s top campaign aides supervised the spending of out-of-state rightwing groups, even directing some of them.  These groups could accept unlimited secret donations, including corporate contributions.  So much for the recall being a matter for Wisconsinites.

I wish I had saved that woman’s number.  I’d call her up and tell her to check out the whole story at <>  As for Governor Walker, I’m hoping he either goes to jail, is impeached, or both.  He knowingly violated quite a few of Wisconsin’s campaign finance laws.  

1 comment:

  1. The voter you called is not a surprise to me. In Wisconsin people from Illinois are known as FIBS. F''n Illinois Bastards However they love it when we go there end spend money. We try to avoid travel there.

    I also would like to see Governor Walker go to jail. I never trust a republican pollitician. We shall see what happens.
