Sunday, June 1, 2014

We need a majority

Once when presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson was speaking to a large gathering, a man yelled from the audience, "The thinking people are with you."  Stevenson paused and said, "That's not enough--we need a majority."

I thought of that when I read the headline in today's Times entitled "Environmental Groups Focus on Change by Strengthening Their Political Operations."  We are up against Big Oil, Big Coal, and an electorate that can't seem to grasp that the effects of climate change are already being felt around the world.

We are not even close to a majority.  We don't have enough "thinking people."


  1. And faux news continues to dumb down the electorate. People have forgotten how bad it was during the depression. When it gets that bad again (and it will), we might get a mojority.

  2. I'm actually afraid we might go the other way. The right-wing anti-immigrant parties seem to be gaining in Europe. People sometimes looks for scapegoats in the wrong areas. Maybe I'm just feeling pessimistic tonight.
