Friday, August 12, 2016

Joe-Pye weeds

One of the pet peeves of our daughter, California girl she is, is that easterners always say that California doesn’t have seasons.  Anyone who lives in California for any length of time quickly realizes that California does have seasons, but they are more subtle that the seasons back east.  You don’t get snow storms in San Jose in the winter, you don’t get colored leaves in October, but after you have lived in California for a few years, you  begin to recognize subtle seasonal changes.

Nonetheless, and what I am leading up to, is that the seasons in eastern Pennsylvania are more pronounced.  Not subtle at all.  And we are now in the season of Joe-Pye weeds and goldenrods.  I noticed both of them today.  

My mom had an expression, “When the wind blows over the oats stubbles, fall will soon be here.”  My addendum is, “When you see Joe Pye weeds blooming, NFL games will soon be on TV.”