Sunday, September 1, 2019

Denying citizenship

Children born abroad to certain U.S. service members and other federal employees had been granted automatic citizenship, even if the parents were not citizens.

New Trump administration policy:  parents of those children, even those born on military bases, will now have to apply for citizenship on their children’s behalf before the kids turn 18. 

So here we have Trump, who got out of serving in Vietnam with fake bone spurs, now denying citizenship to the children of men and women who are serving our country in a way that he refused to.

I will never understand why so many vets think Trump is wonderful.  I don’t get that. 

See Zolan Kanno-Youngs, “Citizenship No Longer Automatic for Some Born Abroad,”  New York Times, (Aug. 29, 2019), p. A17.


  1. As a veteran I find him far from wonderful. All he does is use veterans for his own advantage.

  2. In our area it seems as though quite a few don't realize it. I am aware, though, that many veterans are disgusted with him.
