Monday, September 16, 2019

Response to Saudi Arabia getting bombed

So what.  Wasn’t that the home of all but one of the 9/11 bombers?  Isn’t that the country that dismembers critical journalists?  Are they are our allies?  Why are they involved in Yemen’s civil war?  Why do they treat women so badly?  Why do we even care if Iran blows up their oil refineries?  

Is Trump making money there?   That must be it.

Note to readers:  I didn’t post last night because our modem wasn’t working.  Today I learned what a “modem” is.  I also learned what a “router” is, which is what I use for my internet connection.  I already knew what a “keyboard” was–that wasn’t too hard to figure out.  I don’t know what the screen thingy is called; is that the monitor, or was that the ironclad ship that the U.S. launched when it was fighting the traitors in the Confederacy?

Tomorrow:  Ben Sasse, coward or toady?


  1. Fortunately it wasn't he Kinivity Pin in your cars mud booster that failed. Otherwise you would have been up S**** creek without a paddle.
