Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sex on a business trip

American politics is just too depressing.  Trump’s attempt to stop California from mandating higher gas milage cars, a policy that four companies have already agreed to, is one of the stupidest, most counter-productive actions in an administration noted for stupid actions.  This policy, unfortunately, will have long-range and global consequences.  

But enough of that.  Did you hear about the French guy on a business trip who died from a heart attack after having sex.  The Court ruled that this was a work-related accident, and that his employer was liable.

This is amazing news.  The court in Paris ruled that the law protected everyday activities of employees, and that sex was part of everyday life, “like having a shower or a meal.”

I don’t think the American courts would take the same view, although I am familiar with the “three state rule” that applies to American business trips.  That’s the rule that says if you are three states away from your home and you have sex with another conventioneer, it doesn’t count as being unfaithful.  Really.  You can look it up.