Monday, April 12, 2021

Pepper Spray

 A segment on tonight’s news showed a traffic stop of a lieutenant in the army in uniform pulled over in a traffic stop.  It was another case of driving while Black, since the excuse for the stop was the license plate, although the temporary plate you get when you buy a new car was clearly visible.  

The cop was confrontational from the first, and ended up pepper spraying the driver directly for no reason whatsoever.

My question is, do these local cops get any training at all?  Are they given lessons on defusing situations, or are they taught to make things worse?  Do they take courses, or are they just handed guns and handcuffs and pepper spray?  Do they take psychological tests?  Do they have to graduate from the 8th grade?  This is nuts.  And yes, Black Lives Matter.


  1. The chief in Virginia knew this happened on December 5th, if the video hadn't leaked out the cop would still be on the force. The chief needs to be fired now, also the rest of the department had to know about it. Maybe they should all be shown the exit. The police code of silence still exists.

    And then you have a cop with 26 years experience and doesn't seem to know a gun from a taser. I'm guessing that she didn't know her right hip from her left. But,the chief called it an accident. If Chauvin gets off, all hell will break out in Minneapolis.

  2. I have been stopped a number of times for various offenses, and I have never been asked to get out of the car. Do you think it could have something to do with that I am white?
