Thursday, April 22, 2021

Vaccine "hesitancy"

 That’s what it’s called when people don’t want to take the vaccine to protect themselves against Covid.  Today the Times had two illustrations, one of the Trump Biden vote and one of the rate of vaccine hesitancy.  The correlation was amazing.  States that had the highest percentage of Trump voters also have the highest rate of people who are refusing to be vaccinated.

It is hard not to come to the conclusion that Trump voters are not particularly bright.  That is the kind of statement that Trump voters really resent; a Democrat looking down on them and calling them stupid.  Still, which voters are more likely to deny global warming?  Which voters seem to know only the Second Amendment?  Which voters deny that Trump lost the election?  Which voters are more likely to believe in Q-Anon and other conspiracy theories, such as Bill Gates wants to inject you with tracking devices?  And which voters would rather not get the vaccine or wear masks because they believe that a disease that has killed over 550,000 Americans is not all that serious?

I and almost all my friends and relatives have already gotten the vaccine or have plans to get it.  If people refuse to get protection and then get sick and die, we know where the fault lies.  


  1. I guess that is there choice. I do not agree with their thinking. Someone should tell them that their savior even got the shot in secrecy in January. Perhaps some of them will not make it to the next election. Again their choice. Just stay away from my family.
