Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Trump signs

When I drive out to Kresgeville, I pass a Trump sign on the Beltzville Inn and one on a woman’s lawn just before the Polk Township line.  If I go by Route 209 I pass one just before the convenience store where I buy the New York Times.  If I come back by way of the back road that runs along the Pohopoco, some guy has a large Trump banner in front of his house.

I look upon these signs as indicators of people (or businesses) that I want to avoid.  Most people who had Trump signs up took them down after the election.  Those are normal people; one if my neighbors is one of them.  The people who keep up their Trump signs are letting you know they are, as my mother used to say, “not quite right.”   


  1. I agree, I will never go into the Beltsville Inn. I seen that they are selling Ice Cream, but I will pass. They are not normal.

  2. A business that puts up any political sign is run by a very stupid person.
