Tuesday, August 22, 2023

My gay pride flag

I thought prejudice against gays was a thing of the past.  Most of us either are gay, know people who are gay, have friends and relatives who are gay, are married to gay spouses, or know gay people who are married.  Oh, I knew there were some “Christian” evangelicals who retain their bigotry, but I never thought someone would get shot and killed over a gay pride flag.  What is wrong with people?

I suppose I should have known better.  Evidently enough beer drinkers are so insecure about their sexuality that they boycotted Bud Light after the company had a gay themed ad campaign.  And I read that Target lost revenue and had its employees threatened when it did the same thing.  WTF?

Tomorrow I will purchase a gay pride flag to display in front of the house.  We have to do these things.  We must. 


  1. We need more people in this country who think like you, Professor.

  2. Hi Andy,
    I would like to get in touch with you, but the last time I posted my email, I got a ton of messages from businesses, strange people, and even porn sites. I understand there are programs that comb the internet looking for emails. If you know a way I can contact you without putting my phone number or email in a post, let me know–somehow.

    1. I'd love to hear from you. Andywoho at Gmail dot com
