Friday, August 9, 2024

Elon Musk and his SLAPP suit

A SLAPP suit occurs when an entity with a pile of money sues a relatively powerless but irritating group, forcing that group into expensive litigation, in many cases either bankrupting the group of causing it to shut down.  SLAPP stands for “strategic lawsuit against public participation.”

While the group/company /rich bastard usually loses the suit if it does go to trial, these suits are effective in silencing the voices of the relatively powerless.  In California they are illegal; in Pennsylvania and many other states they are not.

A perfect example is the suit Elon Musk brought against the Global Alliance for Responsible Media after it urged advertisers to boycott “X” after that social media company, owned by Musk, spread misleading, right-wing, and racist content.  Two days after the group was sued by Musk, it dissolved.  A spokesman for X called this a “big win for the First Amendment.”  You can judge that statement.

I find it amazing that rightists like Musk, X, Truth Social, Fox News, and a whole pile of websites and media outlets always are always complaining that the left or the “deep state” are not allowing them to speak. Really?

I also find it amazing that people continue to use X.  People don’t need to do that.  They can disengage from that site and they can buy electric cars that are not Teslas.  Run that little jerk out of business.  I understand that one person doesn’t have much power, but millions do.  Even if your act has no immediate result, at least you aren’t complicit with evil.


  1. I admired Elon Musk. SpaceX made reusable rocket boosters! Pretty cool. Then he decided to be an asshole. Since then I've written to Biden and Harris not to give SpaceX any new contracts; not to use X any government communications. Let's not make racism interplanetary!

  2. Now Musk is planning to interview Trump. That should be quite entertaining.
