Thursday, August 29, 2024

Poor Baby, they stole his Trump sign

Last evening some guy was on the local news complaining that some nasty person had stolen his Trump sign from his yard.  He actually called the police about this.  If you really “back the blue,” as Trump cultists always claim they do, don’t waste the time of local law enforcement personnel by reporting a stolen yard sign.  

We didn’t call the cops when in 2020 the Trumpists painted obscenities on a large Biden sign on Mahoning Drive, or stole the large sign on 443, or smashed the one in Towamensing on 209, or threw dog or cat crap on our lawn (they did leave it in a plastic bag, which was thoughtful), or took literally dozens of signs from people’s lawns all over Carbon County.  

Some Trump voters take their behavioral cues from their leader, who also doesn’t know how to act.  Just a few days ago he gave a “thumbs up” at a grave site in Arlington National Cemetery!  So, when your Harris signs are stolen, just remember the type of people we are dealing with.  You can replace them with a home-made one I’ve seen:  “They can steal my sign, but they can’t steal my vote.”

(Although now the Republican government in Texas is trying to do that as well.)

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