Sunday, August 18, 2024

Overturning "Citizens United"

The Supreme Court issued some bad decisions in the last few years, but one of the worst was “Citizens United” that opened the floodgates for people like Elon Musk to buy elections.  There is an effort to overturn this decision, and my friend David sent me an email asking me to call.

I’ve already indicated to David that I think this is a lost cause, but I have been fighting for lost causes all of my life.  Sometimes they aren’t as lost as I think they are.  (I called the White House in mid-July urging Biden to drop out.  Approximately a week later he did.)

Here are the details.  If you live in Pennsylvania, make the call. 

Kristina Ramanauskas told me about an effort that's currently underway to pass a constitutional amendment that will counter the "Citizens United" decision and allow states to regulate campaign spending.  The "For Our Freedom Amendment" (State Senate Resolution 212) aims to restore reasonable limits on money in U.S. campaigns and elections. So far, 15 states (Illinois, Nevada, Virginia, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington have passed resolutions calling for the amendment. Additionally, voters in six states—Montana, Colorado, Alaska, California, Washington, and Massachusetts—have approved citizen initiatives in support of this crucial effort.


In PA the amendment is stuck in the Senate State Government Committee and we need your help to make sure it gets a vote. Senator Cris Dush, the chair of the Committee, needs to hear from Pennsylvanians that they support the For Our Freedom Amendment and to ask him to bring up SR 212 for a vote now. Time is running out and Senator Dush is the only one with the power to bring this up for a vote. If SR 212 is not voted on in his committee by September 18th, there is no chance for it to pass this legislative session.


Please call his office at 717-787-7084 and tell him to bring up SR 212 for a vote in Committee in September.


  1. Thank you!! - Kristina

  2. This is an issue of importance equal to a national election. The Citizens United decision paved the way to the destruction of our Democracy. A result eagerly anticipated by the far right. Everyone must contact their State Senators, and their local newspapers. (If any independent papers remain !) This is URGENT ~Linda Zak

  3. I did make the call. A staffer named Jill answered and was very polite. I looked up the district, and it includes part of the northern tier of counties, a very conservative part of PA.
    It also illustrates why PA government needs to update. When one committee chair can prevent a bill from being voted on, we really don't have a democracy.
