Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ranking Presidents

They go up and down, although I can guarantee that Trump will always be near the bottom.  He might move up to second or third last, but he will alway be in the bottom five.  

The Democratic Party in the past often held Jefferson-Jackson fund-raising dinners, but that is no longer common.  We are all aware that Jefferson had slaves.  So did Washington, but Washington gave his slaves freedom and a pension upon his death.  Jefferson separated families and sold them to pay off debts.  Jackson was held in high esteem, but now we think about him ordering the Cherokee removal and the Trail of Tears.

Some years ago we held a Carbon County fundraiser celebrating Lincoln.  We realized that while Lincoln was the first Republican President, the Republican Party has wandered so far from his ideals that Democrats are now proud to claim him as one of us.  He’ll stay number one.

I also want to elevate Warren G. Harding.  While it is true that three of his cabinet members were involved in financial scandals, none of them tried to overthrow the government or invested in foreign enterprises.  Yes, Harding shtupped his girlfriend Nan in a vacant broom closet off to the side of his office more than once, but it was consensual, and they were in love.  It’s not like she was a paid porn star with hush money involved.

Harding also gave a speech at the University of Alabama in which he said that the democracy of the U.S. was a lie until the Negro was granted political and economic equality.  This was during the time of Klan resurgence.  While Harding did not challenge racial segregation, the black portion of the audience (it was segregated) cheered.  The white section was quiet.  Remember that Harding’s predecessor, Woodrow Wilson, segregated the federal work force. 

Harding should definitely move up a notch or two.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I think that Trump is the worst President we could have, I think of Texas governors and I feel a little queasy.
