Friday, August 2, 2024

Saving a turtle

I was driving down Pohopoco Drive tonight when I noticed a large object in the other lane.  As I passed it, I realized it was a turtle.  I braked and stopped about 75 feet down the road.  I noticed the driver of the pickup truck behind me had also stopped.  A car was approaching in the turtle lane.  I put my hand out the window and motioned for the driver to slow down, which he did, then stopped.  As I watched in my rearview mirror the guy from the truck was picking up the turtle and moving it off the road.

I waved and gave him a thumbs up.  It was one of those occurrences that reaffirm one’s faith in one’s fellow human beings.  

I also think from its size, the turtle was a probably a snapping turtle, so that guy had some courage.  When I moved a snapper a few years ago, I put a stick in front of it.  It chomped on to the stick, and I dragged it across the road.  

By the way, if you do this, always move them in the direction they are heading. 

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