Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Proud to be a Democrat

Looking out over the crowd at the Convention, I feel a deep sense of pride in being a Democrat.  What a diverse coalition.  Everybody having a good time.  

I loved the speech by Hillary Clinton.  It was a real tub-thumper, and I wish she had done more of that when she was running.  I was moved when the women spoke about the cruelty of outlawing abortion.  And while I was one of the people who called the White House urging Biden to step back, I still felt a wave of affection for the old man.  

The contrast between the optimism and hope of the speakers tonight compared with the doom and gloom of the speakers at the Republican convention was striking.  They really are mean people.  Democrats may be bumbling and may disagree on issues and may have trouble keeping this coalition in sync, but we are not mean.  With me that counts.  

1 comment:

  1. Our disagreements and our tolerance of them up to a point makes us what we are. For those who don't know who and what we are, I would suggest J. M . Purvis "Democrats 101, A Primer for Us".
