Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tim Walz intro and rally

I watched the rally in Philly this afternoon.  Here are my takeaways.

It is obvious why Harris picked Walz over Shapiro.  Shapiro’s speech was ok, but Walz connected with the crowd without yelling, and his political experience dwarfs Shapiro.

Shapiro is a class act to open the rally.

It looked like Harris drew a much bigger crowd in that venue than Trump did for his rally.

Harris has really improved her campaign style since 2020.

What a fun rally.  Serious and meaningful, but also a really feel-good event.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, for the passed-over guy to show up and make the introductions, that's a classy thing to do.

    The humanist in me, the part of me that believes in the goodness of the party, says it's because these people know it's time to put country ahead of party and personal ambition, that we're in crisis mode, that democracy is in crisis mode. That if the President can put ideology ahead of power, then they can.

    The cynic, the Machiavellian in me, thinks Shapiro sees the writing on the wall and that if he plays ball, there will be a seat at the adults' table when Harris and Walz are in the WH. Or, even bigger than a cabinet position, if he plays ball now, he may get a run himself in eight years. He'll "only" be 59-60, still relatively young.
