Sunday, August 25, 2024

My polio vaccine

I remember taking it in the gym in the Palmerton High School, although it was in the mid-Fifties, and I’m a little hazy on the details.  I think we got it on a sugar cube.

What I do remember was how happy my parents were.  I would not get polio.  I would not be in an iron lung or be crippled like FDR.  I don’t remember anyone urging us not to get the vaccine.  I don’t remember anyone talking about discredited studies saying we would develop autism.

I wonder what happened to RFK Jr.  At one time he was a respected environmental lawyer.  Now he puts a dead bear cub in Central Park, says he had a worm in his brain, and endorsed Trump, who, of course, is happy to have him.  Trump probably plans to appoint him head of the CDC.  

By the way, tomorrow I’m scheduled for my flu shot at Rite Aid.  I might be old, but I’m not stupid.


  1. I remember the eight of us walking to the local public school and getting our sugar cubes. I don't know anyone in my neighborhood who got polio. There have been some glitches with vaccines, but nobody ever got smallpox that I know.

  2. And no one will ever get smallpox again. Vaccines eliminated a terrible disease. Thank goodness it happened before "social media."
